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What is Saffron and its 10 Amazing Benefits

Have you ever heard of Saffron, the world’s most expensive spice? High-quality saffron is priced at 500 - 5,000 U.S. dollars/450 grams!

Let’s find out more about saffron, why it fetches such a hefty price tag and what good does it do to our health. 

What is Saffron? 

Saffron is a bulbous, perennial spice, a member of the lily family. The spice is derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus".

It is believed that it originated in Greece and was used for its great medicinal properties. 

So why does Saffron have such a hefty price tag?

Saffron is a labour-intensive crop which contributes to its price tag. The stigmas of the Crocus sativus flowers must be painstakingly hand-picked one by one. To obtain 454 grams of dried saffron, you would require 75,000 flowers. Think about the man-hours needed!

After plucking the stigmas, they are then cut from the white style and cured over heat to amplify its flavour. 

With all these hard work put into harvesting the saffron spice, let us explore some of the key benefits that saffron gives. 

Greek saffron

10 amazing benefits of Saffron

A Powerful Antioxidant
  • Saffron contains an impressive variety of plant compounds that act as antioxidants — molecules that protect your cells against free radicals and oxidative stress.
  • Saffron is rich in vitamins B ( especially B1, B2, B6) and C which are essential in maintaining a healthy immune system.
May improves mood and treats depressive symptoms
  • Do you know that Saffron is nicknamed “sunshine spice”?
  • Several studies have shown that by consuming saffron daily to combat mild-to-moderate depression, it is as effective or even more effective than the conventional depression treatments and drugs. 
    May have cancer-fighting properties
    • The antioxidants in saffron may help neutralize harmful free radicals. Free radical damage has been linked to chronic diseases, such as cancer. Some studies have shown that the saffron and its compounds helped to kill off cancer cells while keeping the healthy cells unharmed. 
      May reduce PMS symptoms
      • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a term that describes physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms occurring before the start of a menstrual period.
      • Studies showed that by consuming or smelling saffron, it can help treat PMS symptoms such as pain, anxiety, headaches and irritability. 
      May Reduce Appetite and Aid Weight Loss
      • Based on research, consuming saffron may help you stay away from snacking by curbing your appetite. However, scientists have not found the reason why saffron helps curb your appetite. One of the theories is that saffron elevates your mood, which in turn reduces your desire to snack.
        May reduce heart disease risk factors
        • The antioxidant properties in saffron may help lower blood cholesterol and prevent blood vessels and arteries from clogging. 
          May lower blood sugar levels
          • Research and studies showed that saffron may lower blood sugar levels and raise insulin sensitivity. 
            May improve eyesight in adults with age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
            • Saffron seems to improve eyesight in adults with AMD and protect them against free radical damage, which is linked to AMD. 
              May improve memory in adults with Alzheimer’s disease 
                May Act as an Aphrodisiac
                • Aphrodisiacs are foods or supplements that help boost your libido.
                • Some studies that have been carried out revealed that saffron may help to increase sexual desire and functions. 

                With all these great benefits that the saffron provides, it may be time to start adding saffron into your daily diet. Get your high-quality Greek saffron from our store today! 

                Botana & Tea Organic Greek Red Saffron








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