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Difference between Powder Saffron & Stigma Saffron

Many have asked us "What is the difference between Powder saffron & Stigma saffron?" 👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍🏫

🔎 We decide to do a challenge 🔎

Powder Saffron ⚔️ Stigma Saffron, which one infuse faster.

🙋🏻 Powder WIN 🥇🏆 👏🏻. Watch the video 🖥️

Conclusion :
1️⃣ Powder saffron ➡️ for busy people, no time to wait [instant and fast infusion, 1-2sec is all you need 👏🏻 ]

2️⃣ Stigma / Filament saffron ➡️ for people who can wait, require at least 15mins or more to infuse. 🕰️

We hope you enjoy our little experiment. 😊👩🏻‍💻 

Shop our organic Greek red saffron here

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