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Organic Greek Mountain Tea + Chinese Zongzi [Digestive & Wellness Tea]

🙋🏻 Chinese zongzi is made from glutenous rice, which makes it hard to digest!! 😬

📢 Our recommendations :

1️⃣ Organic Greek Mountain Tea [INONI Greek Organic Herbs] 🇬🇷 🌿
2️⃣ Hot water 🍵
 [Steep approximate 15 minutes]

🔎 : Caffeine-Free,
🔎 : Suitable for young and old,
🔎 : Can consume both hot & cold [cold brew possible],
🔎 : Contain lots of vitamins and minerals to build strong immunity.

Try it, you will enjoy this aromatic mediterranean wellness tea that has been around since ancient time. 🇬🇷 🌱🍵

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