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Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g
Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g

Organic Lemon Verbena, 10g

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Lemon verbena, also known as «Aloysia citrodora», is a plant that thrives in warm regions with full sun exposure. When the leaves of the lemon verbena plant are crushed, they emit a strong citrus aroma, making it a popular addition to herb gardens.

Benefits of Lemon Verbena

~ relieve indigestion;
~ relieve heartburn;
~tonify digestive tract;
~ soothe anxiety;
~ helpful in insomnia;
~ curb craving for snacks, promote fat burning, stimulates the breakdown of cellulite;
~ anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties;
~ helps to loosen up mucus, phlegm, clear congestion in the respiratory tracts;
~ fight against water retention;
~ caffeine-free

Read more about the benefits of Lemon-verbena here.


How to enjoy our Organic Lemon-Verbena
~  ½ teaspoon of dried leaves,  steep in hot water for 10-15minutes.


About Producer

About the Producer : Aroma Farms

Aroma Farms, a family-owned organic farm located in the village of Ancient Olympia, Greece. A small producer producing high quality organic herbs that are sustainable, care about the environment and practices all the traditional herbs farming. Ensuring that they play a part in reducing carbon footprint, all the organic herbs are hand harvested from the best part of the plant at their optimal time and are hand picked the best to give the best flavours and aromas to enjoy as a tea.

The organic farms works very closely with agronomist-researcher Dr. Theodoros Koutsos, ex head of the Section of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in NAGREF and run regular analysis on their products in ELGO DEMETER and agricultural universities to ensure the excellent quality of our herbs.

Organic herbs of the highest quality cultivated and carefully selected by hand, in the blessed land of Ancient Olympia, birthplace of the Olympic Games.